All volunteers, school employees or anyone who has regular and/or unsupervised contact with students need to complete the CMG Safe Haven training program.
Volunteers include, but are not limited to, the following:
Room Parents
Field Trip Chaperones
Library Volunteers
Workroom Volunteers
Classroom Volunteers
Classroom Party Volunteers
Special Events Volunteers
Extra-curricular Volunteers
Athletics Volunteers
The Safe Environment program has been implemented throughout the Archdiocese of Galveston- Houston to assist Catholic Church communities in being safe havens for children, and in being messengers for preventing child sexual abuse within the Church and society in general.
A child-safe environment begins with making the adults that interact with children aware of how to protect children. The Safe Environment program consists of two parts: a criminal background check, and the on-line Safe Haven training. The sessions educate and train adults about the dangers of abuse, warning signs of abuse, ways to prevent abuse, methods of properly reporting suspicions of abuse, and appropriate responses to allegations of abuse.
Please contact the school office for further details about this program, or go the website by clicking here: CMGSafeHaven.
Safe Environment is an Archdiocesan-wide program and is mandatory for all school volunteers. Renewing your Safe Environment Training: Please look for "Protecting Vulnerable Adults" when you sign in to your CMG account.